Love anew

I took a risk with him. I don’t think anyone is ever ready, but when someone makes you feel alive again it’s kind of worth the risk. Falling for him wasn’t falling at all. It was walking into an unknown house and suddenly realising I’m home. He didn’t have to put in much effort to…


Self-love is not selfish. You cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. And to be honest? getting your shit together requires a level of honesty you can’t even imagine. There’s nothing easy about realizing you’re the one that’s been holding you back this whole time. I remember thinking that the only…


It was this one night, dancing at a local club, when I knew I was in trouble. I wasn’t looking for a man, but I never would’ve thought that a night out clubbing was how I would meet the man that could interest me, but you know what they say, “the best happen when you…


He is winter. He surrounded himself with girls that didn’t matter, to forget the one who ever did. He’s the biggest paradox I’ve ever known. He’s insecure in everything he does, yet he loves himself to a point of total narcissism. He’s warm one second but unbearably cold the next. Winter was beautiful to me, just…


“Lately I’ve been having trouble figuring out what lesson the universe is trying to teach me by bringing you into my life. Are you meant to show me that I should fight for what I love at all costs; to not give up on someone I feel so deeply for? I’m not asking for much,…


1. People will always tell you that you’re either too much or not enough. Too much in what you do or not enough in who you are. Sometimes, they will be wrong. Sometimes, they will be right. Never mind that. You are worth loving, anyway. 2. I know you like to help people, I know….


Piece of advice: love what you have before life teaches you to love what you’ve lost People say that if you love someone, you should tell them. Even if you’re scared, even if you think it’ll burn your life to the ground, tell them. Tell them that your bed feels lonely without them. Tell them…


You’re it for me. When something happens in my life, the first thing that I want to do is pick up the phone and tell you. It doesn’t even matter what that thing is. I will never be able to repay you for the countless hours you have spent listening to me complain and vent,…


There was fighting, ignorance, stubbornness, cancellations, toxicity, emotional torture, and let’s not forget the constant competition of who cared less. We just didn’t work and I know that killed him just as much as it hurt me but lord knows he was a hell of a lot better at hiding that than I was. We…


Sometimes you’ll love someone so much that it doesn’t matter what happens or how they treat you… You’re going to stay and you’re going to be so goddamn in love with them that you’ll convince yourself that their toxicity is healthy for you and you’ll make them the centre of your universe. You’ll swear to…


I felt you leaving before you said anything. i felt you forgetting my voice and how my laugh would warm your heart. the feeling of my hands tracing the parts of your body you never really liked. the excitement on your face of when my toes were shown and when you get to have me…


  There are some people who are meant to stay in our hearts, but not in our lives. I don’t know about you, but the 31 days of December felt like a year all by themselves.  It was a long month and a difficult one.   Last December 13, 2016, my family lost an angel…